Demo Photos #1 - Week of 2 December

Livingroom looking into guest bedroom

Original kitchen floor near bathroom with new students over rotten floor - Build up of subfloor (6 with 1" thin set to make the floor appear level).

Picture from most recent remodel by previous own revealed live wires and exposure to rot... This section had been reframed in with sheetrock with a 'frame' around them. I had though this had once been a built in ironing board so I didn't pry this off during inspection.

Work done right before I purchased

Septic Vent was missing elbow pipe allowing septic gases to come into kitchen near sink; not reconstructed correctly or came undone during earlier "remodel"

Studs removed by owner to install dishwasher at some stage in ownership... the near by studs are rotted through from water and neglect

Above a reference photo of dishwasher from MLS listing in 2014, prior to most recent remodel. Unfortunately the shallow cabinetry meant that the only way to install a dishwasher was to cut the structure/studs behind.

Subfloor towards bathroom. OSB spongy due to years of leaking and moisture under thick layers of tile and thin (*thick) set. Floor was rotted in this area toward bathroom and utility room as seen in additional photos below. Target for replacement

The crumbling second layer of subfloor, reason for spongy feel when stepping on tile, later revealed complete rot and need for redo.



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